Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:24 pm

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Thank you for choosing to join the community. However, like all other forums out there, generic rules apply upon creation of an account and when you participate in any of the discussions throughout the forum:

  • First and foremost, treat all members with kindness and respect. Disagreements are natural and opinions may differ between people, but personal attacks, harassment, or inflammatory comments will not be tolerated.
  • Swearing and profanity is not prohibited, but please don't overdo it as it
  • If you participate in any of the social science discussions, or even of general ones, please stay on topic. If you happen to go off-topic, for whatever reason, you will receive a verbal warning and if it persists, future posts of that nature may be removed.
  • Avoid posting spam, advertisements, or excessive self-promotion. If you want to promote your website or forum, do it on your signature.
  • When sharing information or making claims, cite reliable sources (and give credit to the original authors/researchers where possible). This helps maintain the integrity of any discussions made. Misinformation or conspiracy theories will NOT be tolerated, and could result in a warning or immediate ban (depending on the nature of such postings).
  • Do not share personal information about yourself or others. Respect the privacy of all members and avoid discussing sensitive topics that could lead to personal discomfort.
  • If you encounter any problems or inappropriate behaviour, please report it to staff. We are here to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Also, do not take such matters into your own hands (better known as "backseat moderating")
  • And finally, be active (if you can, as real-life can get in the way at times and is understandable). Ask questions, share insights, and enjoy the rich discussions that arise in this community.

I hope you enjoy your time here at The Knowledge Hub. I shall await your arrival.

~ Bryn